@article{oai:shinshu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00045864, author = {小林, 睦 and 橋本, 佳美 and 弓削, 美鈴 and 鈴木, 千衣 and 八尋, 道子 and 柴田, 眞理子 and 小山, 智史 and 阿藤, 幸子 and 二神, 真理子 and 柳澤, 佳代}, issue = {2}, journal = {佐久大学看護研究雑誌, Saku University journal of nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {幼児期の子どもの足は、おとなの足へと育つ基礎が作られる大切な時期である。子どもに関わるおとなは、この時期の子どもの足に関心を向け、足の成長や運動機能の発達を考慮し、多くの注意をはらって子どもの靴を選ぶ必要がある。そのため、子どもとその保護者へ、子どもの足と靴の知識の普及に向けて、A地域の保育園・幼稚園年中クラスの保護者168名に対し質問紙による調査を行い、子どもの足と靴に関する実態を明らかにした。結果、130名の回収(回収率77.4%)を得た。保護者の68名(52.3%)は、子どもの足に合う靴を選び、靴が合っていると感じているが、約3割の子どもには、「靴擦れ」や「爪が割れる」などのトラブルがあり、実際の足のサイズや靴の正しい選び方、履き方が出来ていない可能性が推察された。また、足や靴に関心のある保護者は多いが、今までに健康教育を受ける機会が少なかった。今後、保護者と子どもに関わる全てのおとなを対象とした、保育や教育現場、健康診査等の医療・保健活動の場などでの健康教育プログラムを検討していく。Infancy is an important period for childrenʼs feet and provides the foundation for their development into adulthood. It is necessary that adults who deal with children pay attention to childrenʼs feet during this period, taking into consideration their growth and development of motor function and selecting childrenʼs shoes with great care. In order to spread awareness about childrenʼs feet and shoes to children and their parents, a questionnaire survey was conducted with 168 parents in yearround kindergartens and nurseries in Area A.I got a result and collection of 130 people(77.4% of rate of collection). The results found that around 68(52.3%)of all parents chose shoes they felt fi t their childrenʼs feet, but around 30% of children had problems such as “rubbing against the shoe” and “nails breaking,” suggesting that there may be difficulties with correctly determining shoe size, selecting shoes or putting on shoes properly. Although many parents showed concern with their childrenʼs feet and shoes, there were limited opportunities to learn about childrenʼs foot health and care. In the future, health education programs for all adults who deal with children, should be considered for implementation at childcare and educational settings or during check-ups at medical and healthcare centers, etc.}, pages = {35--41}, title = {A地域における幼児期の子どもの足と靴に関する実態調査}, volume = {12}, year = {2020} }