@article{oai:shinshu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00030308, author = {上條, 一晃 and 高橋, 紳一 and 清水, 順市 and 中土, 幸男 and 斎藤, 覚 and 保坂, 正人 and 多田, 秀穂 and 松田, 智}, issue = {2}, journal = {紀要. 2, 自然・医療技術系}, month = {Feb}, note = {The results of 10 flexor tendon repairs in ZoneⅡof 6 patients are reported. Profundus and Superficialis tendons were both repaired on 5 digits. The others were ruptured only at Profundus tendons. Postoperatively patients were managed by an immediate active extension program, using a modified Kleinert technique and occupational therapy. The final evaluation of the repair was done by the%TAM system (Strickland) and Buck-Gramcko system. The result in 9 digits was Excellent, in 1 Fair by %TAM system. The result in 8 digits was Excellent, in 1 Good and in 1 Fair by Buck-Gramcko system. This study suggests that early mobilization and occupational therapy may be an important part in the postoperative management of flexor tendon injuries., Article, application/pdf, 紀要 16(2): 1-6(1991)}, pages = {1--6}, title = {Zone IIにおける屈筋腱損傷に対する作業療法}, volume = {16}, year = {1991} }