@article{oai:shinshu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00027638, author = {安藤, 美佳子 and 栗田, 浩 and 藤森, 林 and 倉科, 憲治}, issue = {4}, journal = {信州医学雑誌}, month = {Aug}, note = {Recurrent parotitis is characterized by repeated swelling and pain of the parotid region. The disease can usually be treated successfully, but patients tend to suffer repeatedly. Inverse bacterial contamination due to salivary accumulation in dilated peripheral ducts is said to cause the disease.We report two cases of recurrent parotitis in a juvenile and an adult, which were successfully controlled with the usual antibiotic therapy. Case1:The patient was a 13-year-old male. From his present and past history it was easy to make the diagnosis of recurrent juvenile parotitis. He was treated successfully with antibiotics and has not shown any recurrence since. In this case, we speculated that dilation of ducts and lowered biological defense activity, partly due to immaturity of the defense mechanism, caused the parotitis. Case2:The patient was a 31-year-old female.The diagnosis of recurrent parotitis was readily made from her history. Antibiotics were administered and the disease was controlled successfully. We speculated that dilation of peripheral salivary ducts and her busy life after the birth of her first child caused the disease,which had troubled her for 4 years. Recovery of biological defense activity prevented the recurrence of the disease after treatment., Article, application/pdf, 信州医学雑誌 51(4): 215-218(2003)}, pages = {215--218}, title = {反復性耳下腺炎の2例}, volume = {51}, year = {2003} }