@article{oai:shinshu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002329, author = {市川, 紀彦 and 古澤, 清文 and 氣賀, 昌彦 and 藤本, 勝彦 and 安東, 基善}, issue = {3}, journal = {松本歯学}, month = {Dec}, note = {We report a case of chronic alveolar abscess extending into the maxillary sinus of a female, age 19 years. While signs of abscess formation and sinusitis were not visible an clinical examination, an X-ray graph showed a spherical slightly radiopaque area of mucosal enlargement without destuction of bone in the right maxillary sinus. The clinical diagnosis was suspected radicular cyst, but due to the histopathological finding of a cavity lined by granulation tissue, an alveolar abscess was diagnosed. As is well known the maxillary sinus is easily affected by odontogenic disease, because of the very close anatomic relation between this sinus and dental apices. Therefore, we have to differentiate radicular cysts from mucous cysts, and from postperative maxillary cysts, which look like radicular cysts in the X-ray findings. Roentogenographic features and the formation of alveolar abscess in maxillary sinus are discussed., application/pdf}, pages = {347--351}, title = {上顎洞内に嚢胞状を呈した慢性歯槽膿瘍の1症例}, volume = {14}, year = {1988} }